Device from Microsoft Outlook 98

Arch subscribers using Microsoft Outlook 98* can keep track of important e-mail messages by forwarding incoming messages to their wireless device while they are out of the office. Following are step-by-step instructions to forward e-mail to your Arch wireless device.

Step 1: Enable "Inbox Assistant"

Step 2: Define Messages to Forward

Step 3: Identify Messages to Forward

Step 4: Finalize and Activate New Rule

* Please note these instructions are intended for Microsoft Outlook 98 users with corporate LAN-based systems, such as Microsoft Exchange Server. Because the capabilities of e-mail servers vary these features may not be available if you are using an SMTP/POP3 or IMAP based e-mail account provided by an Internet service provider (ISP). Please direct questions to your network administrator or Internet Service Provider.

Step 1: Enable "Inbox Assistant"

To forward complete messages from Microsoft Outlook to a wireless device the Outlook "Rules Wizard" should be turned off and the "Inbox Assistant" feature activated. The rules wizard does not leave the content of the original e-mail intact.

    1. Select "Options" from the Outlook 98 "Tools" menu and click the "Other" tab.
    2. From the "Other" tab in the "Options" window click on the "Advanced Options" button.
    3. Click on the "Add-In Manager" button.
    4. In the "Add-In Manager" window deselect the "Rules Wizard" box and click the "OK" button.
    5. "Inbox Assistant" should now appear in the "Tools" menu.

Step 2: Define Messages to Forward

  1. From the "Tools" menu select either "Inbox Assistant" or "Out of Office Assistant".
  2. In the "Inbox Assistant" or "Out of Office Assistant" window click the "Add Rule" button to create a new forwarding rule, this will take you to the "Edit Rule Window.
  3. In the "When a message arrives that meets the following conditions" section of the "Edit Rule" window, define which messages to forward by filling in the following fields:
    • In the "From" field enter the e-mail addresses for messages which should be forwarded to your wireless device. Separate each address with a semi-colon (;). If this field is left blank all messages will be forwarded to you wireless device regardless of the sender.
    • In the "Sent To" field click the "Sent directly to me" checkbox to forward e-mail that contains your name or e-mail address in the "To" field.
    • In the "Subject" field, type any words or phrases that should be contained in the Subject of messages forwarded to your wireless devices. Separate each word or phrase with a semi-colon (;).
    • If you want Outlook to forward messages containing certain words or phrases in the body of the e-mail messages, enter the words or phrases in the "Message Body" field. Type a semi-colon (;) to separate multiple words or phrases.

Step 3: Identify Where to Forward Messages

  1. In the "Perform these actions" section of the "Edit Rules" window click on the checkbox next to "Forward".
  2. Enter the e-mail address of your Arch wireless device in the "To" field. Your wireless device e-mail address is:
    If you have questions about your wireless e-mail address or the e-mail features of your wireless device please call the phone number on your invoice and contract to speak with a customer service representative.
  3. From the "Method" drop-down list, select "Leave Message Intact". The method by which e-mail is forwarded to your wireless device is important. The "Leave Message Intact" setting prevents the forwarding of unnecessary text and characters.

Step 4: Finalize New Rule

  1. Click "OK" to return to the "Inbox" or "Out of Office Assistant" window. The rule you just created appears in the window.

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