With My Account you can
now enjoy the freedom of servicing your account at your
own leisure. For more information, simply click the link
below and sign up for My Account, the faster more convenient
way to manage your wireless messaging account. With My Account,
there are various payment methods available as well as other
features such as the ability to check your account balance,
review your payment history, reprint your latest invoice,
review and update your account information, order an additional
device, exchange and activate a replacement device and much
We now have multiple options available for you to easily
pay your account online. Choose the one that's right for
You may choose Auto Debit to have your payment automatically
deducted from your bank account, Auto Charge to have your
payment automatically charged to your credit/debit card
or Quick Pay to simply save your credit/debit card information
for future one-time payments.
Currently, some of our larger customers do not have the
ability to sign up for My Account without assistance from
Customer Service. Please call the Customer Service number
on your most recent invoice if assistance is required. We
value you as a customer and look forward to servicing your
online billing needs.
Visit the
at http://myaccount.arch.com.
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