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WCTP Factory
WCTP Factory provides the ability to send wireless data over the Internet through the use of HTTP and XML. Once the data has been sent, the application can request a receipt to confirm the delivery of the data.

License Information
Both the Java package and C++ binaries are Beta software and are only available without source code. Both packages are an intial beta release. Users of the software are expected to implement the versionQuery method when the version 1.1 gateway becomes available. This will eliminate the need to support out-of-date software.

The Java package was created with JDK 1.2.2.

The C++ binary distribution was created with Linux (RedHat 6.2) using glibc-2.1.3-15. Linux is the only platform supported at this time.

Click here to go to the downloads section.

For the Java version, the javadocs are available on-line.
For the C++ version, the header files are available on-line.

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